“After 4 weeks my pain was lowered and no drugs!!!”

Terry had pain in his low back that would not go away. He said, “Its hard to get in an out of bed”, and, “that standing too long caused tingling in my toes.” He had seen several chiropractors and still had pain. His medical doctor prescribed muscle relaxants. Terry was taking 800 mg of Motrin a day to get by, but was told that it might damage his kidneys. He just wanted to be free of pain. After starting care with Dr. Childs and Dr. Durr, it was only 4 weeks until his pain was lowered and he stopped taking all medications. “Dr. Childs and Dr. Durr seemed interested in my health and answered all my questions.” “They are young and down to earth and not stuck up.”
                                                                                                Terry Thompson

"I was amazed how good I felt… The pain and numbness was gone almost immediately!"


For at least 13 years I had been suffering with a bulging disc in my neck and Sciatic pain in my lower back.  I had pain in my neck and numbness down both arms and into both hands. The sciatic pain started in my low back and when down into my leg.  The pain was so severe that I was considering changing my job as a hairdresser because I was in constant pain day and night.   All I really wanted was to be able to get through the workday without pain.             

About 10 years ago I tried physical therapy, which only helped temporarily, when I returned to work so did the pain. I also tried a cervical epidural, which only helped for one month, and again the pain was back!  My doctors had me on all kinds of medication.  I was taking pain pills, sleeping pills, Advil, Motrin, and Tylenol.  I felt like a zombie!


It was clear to me that the medical doctors were not helping.  So I decided to try something else.  I feared that the doctors at Corrective Chiropractic would not even be able to touch me because of the bulging disc in my neck.  However, I was immediately impressed with the information I was given by Dr. Childs and Dr. Durr. It really made sense to me.  The office has a very professional staff and what amazes me is that they all know my name!  I work with various clients everyday and it usually takes me several months to remember names. The staff at Corrective Chiropractic seemed to greet me by name right away!   Dr. Childs and Dr. Durr recommended a treatment plan that included Adjustments, Spinal Decompression, exercises and traction.  After only a few sessions I was amazed how good I felt!  The numbness and pain was gone almost immediately! I feel better after every adjustment and I am much more aware of my posture everyday.  I now no longer have to take all that medication.    


I would definitely recommend to anyone who is suffering with pain to try chiropractic care!  I wish I would have tried it years ago!  Chiropractic care has changed my life!  I feel good when I get to work and just as good when I leave work!!


Thank you for all that you are and all that you have done for me! J

                                                                                                            Debi McLaughlin

“My condition was much improved within eight weeks!!!”

Cliff suffered for several years from severe pain in lower right rear portion of his back, extending down his right leg to his foot.  He said, “it would reach 9 on a 10 point scale, forcing me to sit or lay down to alleviate it.”  Cliff had tried stretching exercises, therapeutic massage and other chiropractic care.  He said, “I had heard some postive comments from some friends about Dr. Childs and Dr. Durr.”  Cliff had doubts because, “previous visits to a chiropractor had not yielded results.  “The team at my first chiropractor was unfocused and did not seem to be planned to target the cause of my symptoms.”  When coming to Dr. Childs and Dr. Durr, “I found the treatment to be well planned and targeted to correct the problems I was experiencing, at the same time, periodically checking my progress and adjusting treatment as necessary.”  “Both Dr. Durr and Dr. Childs are very professional in the approach and generate a genuine feeling of concern for the health of their patients.”  “They recommended decompression therapy, adjustments and reinforcing exercises.”  “My condition was much improved within eight weeks.”  “I also have a general improvement in health.”   “I have recommended dozens of people to Dr. Durr and Dr. Childs.”                    
Cliff Towson

“I am very pleased and grateful that I had an alternative to surgery.”

I came in to the office from a referral and found the office to be pleasant and friendly and thorough in treatment.  The doctors are very knowledgeable.  had severe herniation at L4, L5, S1 and S2, resulting in a loss of 70% of the disc and nerve damage to my left leg.  My injury caused extreme, steady low back pain. A 7 to 9 on a pain level, (10 being the worst), daily with shooting pain and numbness in the left leg all the way down to my toes, causing my left foot to flop.  I had micro disectomy on L4, L5 and facet blocks and numerous epidurals.  I was on Naproxin, Cellebrex, Neuronitin, and Vicadin.  My doctor recommended Spinal Fusion Surgery.  I wanted an alternative. I like the office and it is an absolute pain free treatment with results and no drugs.  My experience has been completely satisfactory.
                                                                   Dennis Cameron

"I am 95% Pain Free and can now play golf without pain inhibiting my swing!"

Joe is a professional golfer and he said, “pain in my lower back and hip was crippling my golf game.”  “Being on my feet for long periods of time, which my job requires, was almost unbearable.”  He suffered with spondalothesis in L4.  Joe was in constant pain in his low back and hip when standing for long periods of time.  He could not play golf on a professional level due to the pain.  “I am 95% pain free and can now play golf without pain inhibiting my swing!”  I’m glad I chose care from Dr. Durr and Dr. Childs for 3 reasons, one is the results of their care, two, there is a pleasant atmosphere at the office and three, the staff is friendly, which makes it enjoyable to get treated. “The doctors are nice guys who care about your progress.  “LIFE IS MORE FUN WITHOUT PAIN!”

“My whole outlook on my life has changed!”

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Floyd has suffered from continuous, throbbing pain down his right leg to his heel for at least a year and a half.  “On a pain level between 1-10, it was a 10, being the most painful.”  “Any previous treatments were not effective at all.” “My sisters recommended me to Dr. Durr and Dr. Childs. They had met them and were quite impressed with their knowledge and manner. “I have had amazing improvement and I am able to do what I haven’t been able to for sometime, like tie my shoes, sit in a chair, take walks, etc.  I wake up happy!”  “I have no more pain and believe it or not, my whole outlook on my life has changed.  I mentioned this to another patient and they replied, we become used to pain and the effect it has on your well-being.  My outlook is more positive now.”  “I feel 100% better than when first walking in the door, and when you feel better, you think better.”  “Dr. Durr’s and Dr. Childs diagnosis and treatment has been spot on.”  “I recommend them whenever I can.”
                                                                                    Floyd Hertzfeld

“Everyday I feel like I can do more of the things I used to do.”

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Amelia Kirkner of Frazer, had been suffering from Arthritis, Degenerative Disc Disease and Spinal Stenosis which was causing her very severe, constant low back and hip pain.  The pain was so bad that she could barely stand up and couldn’t walk very far.  She felt like she couldn’t do anything.  Her biggest fear was ending up in a wheelchair.  She went to many doctors looking for relief, had 3 epidurals, tried chiropractic, even acupuncture and had no relief.  Just when she was beginning to lose hope, she heard about Dr. Childs and Dr. Durr’s Spinal Decompression Back Pain Rehabilitation Program.  Their care plan made so much sense that she told her Medical Doctor and talked to him about it.  He suggested that she give it a try.  From that first day that she met Dr. Childs and Dr. Durr she was very impressed.  She feels they are both so sensitive to your concerns.  “I felt like they knew me.” “They seemed to know how to help people in pain.”  After talking with the Doctors, she had no doubts it would work for her.  “I didn’t want to be operated on.”  Since starting Spinal Decompression therapy, her pain has been dramatically improved.  She is now walking straighter without pain and she no longer needs epidural shots and is avoiding spinal surgery!  “Before care, I was afraid I was going to be in a wheel chair, now I’m walking straight.”  “The turnabout is Glorious.”  “Everyday I feel like I can do more of the things I used to do.”  “As far as Spinal Decompression and Dr. Childs and Dr. Durr’s pain relief program, I love it, they get down to the nitty gritty!