I came in to the office from a referral and found the office to be pleasant and friendly and thorough in treatment.  The doctors are very knowledgeable.  had severe herniation at L4, L5, S1 and S2, resulting in a loss of 70% of the disc and nerve damage to my left leg.  My injury caused extreme, steady low back pain. A 7 to 9 on a pain level, (10 being the worst), daily with shooting pain and numbness in the left leg all the way down to my toes, causing my left foot to flop.  I had micro disectomy on L4, L5 and facet blocks and numerous epidurals.  I was on Naproxin, Cellebrex, Neuronitin, and Vicadin.  My doctor recommended Spinal Fusion Surgery.  I wanted an alternative. I like the office and it is an absolute pain free treatment with results and no drugs.  My experience has been completely satisfactory.
                                                                   Dennis Cameron