Spinal Decompression
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If you have had ANY KIND OF SPINE PROBLEM, you MUST see these videos.
- Herniated discs
- Bulging discs
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Spinal Stenosis
- Sciatica
- Neuropathy
- Low Back Pain
- Neck pain
- Hip Pain
- Arm Pain

Spinal discs do not get oxygen and fresh blood consistently. Decompression and motion can enhance healing by restoring the needed nutrients back into the discs.During therapy, you will go through phases of distraction and relaxation. Once the problem spinal disc is isolated it can be placed under pressure which creates a vacuum effect. The vacuum does two things. First, any portion of the disc that has herniated or protruded will return to where it should be. Second, the vacuum effect brings in a fresh blood supply which can promote healing.ATM-2 can bring pain relief and increased range of motion within minutes in some patients. And initial results can last for days. With regular training you can build a strong core that can hold-up to your daily activities.*
Click here for our e-Book
Click here for our Decompression Report
Click here for our Decom DTS Video
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