I was disagnosed with Meniere's Disease 7 years ago. I suffered with very bad pressure and pain in my ears and also was dizzy all the time. I went to 5 medical doctors who only prescribed drugs – I was on Klonopin for 6 years. I was not getting better. I also had IBS with constipation for 15 yrs! I was hospitalized for that and the MD's prescribed drugs also. I suffered with irritability, frustration and drove my family to their wits end. This affected my whole life. Then I came to CORRECTIVE CHIROPRACTIC and NEUROLOGY. Since my treatments, the EAR PRESSURE and PAIN are GONE! Dizziness – GONE. NO Meds anymore. My IBS-C is corrected. No MEDS anymore. My life has CHANGED! I love coming here. Thank you Dr. Childs and Dr. Durr

I had vertigo, balance issues, dizziness and nausea off and on for years. I went to several MD's (and the hospital) and took drugs and nothing helped. Then in April 2016, all the problems returned and never stopped. Vertigo and dizziness affected EVERY part of my life. I couldn't drive, go to the store, do housework or go to events. The ONLY PEACE I got when I was SLEEPING. Then I got lucky, a friend saw Dr. Childs on Facebook and I called and made my first appointment. WOW, since starting with Dr. Childs, EVERYTHING HAS IMPROVED – EVERYTHING. During my first appointment with Dr. Childs, I asked him to give me my life back and he did just that- GAVE ME MY LIFE BACK. The doctors and staff here are professional, caring, and personal with one goal – to make us well again. Thank you.

Prior to coming to see Dr Childs, I had Sjögren's syndrome, a neurological speech impediment, balance problems, Peripheral Neuropathy and Insomnia. All these problems affected my life, the worst was my speech problem which made it hard to speak or be understood. Then, my MD prescribe a medication for my Sjögren's that he said would damage my liver. So… I decided to come and see Dr. Childs. Since coming here, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED! I have stoped using all my meds. My normal speech has returned! My Peripheral Neuropathy and Sjögren's are improving. I sleep without AMBIEN! And last, there is the diet, healthy and losing weight. I am here to tell you, if you are suffering – stop, call Dr. Childs and start getting better.