"I have had severe right shoulder blade pain for 2 years. I couldn't walk, cut the grass – do anything without pain. I went to an orthopaedist who gave me injections, prescribed physical therapy, accupuncture and put me on steroids. Nothing worked. He then said I would need nerve blocks. I was at MY WITS END. I was a little skeptical about seeing a chiropractor but my WIFE WAS INSISTENT that I come, so I came. My treatment with Dr. Childs and Dr. Durr has been VERY HELPFUL. My pain is not as severe nor as frequent as before and I am GETTING BETTER."

I came in desperation at the 'end of my rope' to see Dr Childs. I had migraine headaches for 30 years; numbness in the left side of my face and neck and back pain for 2-1/2 years. After Dr. Childs' treatment and the plan for nutrition, diet and excersize – I have created a "NEW SELF". I have NO neck pain NO back pain and the numbness is gone. My migraines are GONE. Why? Because Dr Childs found that I have a wheat allergy, something no other doctor found for 30 years. "THANK YOU Dr. Childs and your staff"