Alpha 2 Macroglobulin Injections
A2M: A New Treatment for ArthritisWhat Science Tells Us about A2M for Arthritis
Evidence points to A2M to be the key to stopping osteoarthtitis at the molecular level.
Brown University & the National Institute of Health: A2M for Cartilage Regeneration
Not all joints respond to A2M but there is an excellent test to identify joints that will likely do well with an A2M treatment. This test is called fibronectin-aggrecan G3 complex test (FAC). It specifically identifies significant levels of the very specific protein which is highly diagnostic for arthritis.
Gaetano Scuderi, M.D.

This post was created in collaboration with Scott Brandt, M.D., the medical director of ThriveMD, and Gaetano Scuderi, M.D., the founder and president of Cytonics Corporation.
Inhibiting Cartilage Breakdown with A2M
The results of this milestone research study suggests that therapeutic injection of concentrated A2M may inhibit the breakdown of cartilage and shut down the destructive inflammatory proteins in the joint. Additionally, it is noted that early intervention may be critical for preventing or minimizing the development of post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (OA). An injection of A2M during the acute phase of an injury is proving to be a powerful tool in preventing progressive arthritis in the affected joints.
This can be especially powerful in preventing arthritis which often occurs after an ACL repair. In addition, there is data suggesting that there is also a regenerative component to A2M which can further help the joint, spinal disc or soft tissue recover.
All along, while you have been experiencing pain from an injury, or just normal wear and tear, you have been carrying around the cure! The A2M protein is made in your liver. Using special binding sites, it will bind and trap bad enzymes that are destroying your cartilage. Once each of A2M’s binding sites is occupied, the A2M and the disabled enzymes are removed by your body naturally. This is called suicide inhibition.
Gaetano Scuderi, M.D.
Providing A2M to Patients with Joint and Back Pain
It is important to note that A2M is not a platelet product, A2M circulates in the plasma portion of your blood. Be wary of claims that all PRP has A2M in it. Though your blood has some A2M, concentrated A2M can only be accomplished by a special concentrator. A simple water filter (called hemoconcentrator) will also not do the trick.
At Active Integrated Medical Center, we have one of very few Alpha 2 Macroglobulin concentrators (pictured below) currently in use in the country. By collecting approximately 100cc’s of the patient’s blood and processing it through a multi-phase centrifugation and filtration system, a concentrated volume of A2M can be collected. This special, patented system selectively super concentrates A2M. The A2M produced by the concentrator can then be used for treatment inside of joints, degenerative discs, and into damaged soft tissues and areas of inflammation.

A2M is becoming an integral part of our regenerative treatments and a complete biologics program for the restoration of joints, prevention of knee and other joint arthritis and the treatment of low back pain. In addition to A2M treatments for osteoarthritis, we are using A2M injections as an adjunct to Bone Marrow derived stem cell injections in order to optimize the environment and maximize the potential of stem cell therapy.
For more information on Cytonics Alpha 2 Macroglobulin go to