"Prior to coming to see Dr Childs and Dr. Durr, I had severe Rheumatoid Arthritis for 15 years, Neck Pain for my entire life and foot problems for the past 2-3 years. Since treatments with Dr. Childs and Dr. Durr, I HAVE GOTTEN MY LIFE BACK, NO INFLAMMATION AND NO PAIN!. My neck pain and foot problems are GONE, I have reduced or dropped my meds, I get around much better, I have LOST WEIGHT and feel 10 years YOUNGER!"
Prior to coming to see Dr Childs, I had Sjögren's syndrome, a neurological speech impediment, balance problems, Peripheral Neuropathy and Insomnia. All these problems affected my life, the worst was my speech problem which made it hard to speak or be understood. Then, my MD prescribe a medication for my Sjögren's that he said would damage my liver. So… I decided to come and see Dr. Childs. Since coming here, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED! I have stoped using all my meds. My normal speech has returned! My Peripheral Neuropathy and Sjögren's are improving. I sleep without AMBIEN! And last, there is the diet, healthy and losing weight. I am here to tell you, if you are suffering – stop, call Dr. Childs and start getting better.
"For about 8 – 9 years, I suffered with Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Herniated Discs. These problems affected every part of my life. I was in pain all the time and had difficulty doing every day things. Since coming to Corrective Chiropractic, EVERYTHING has improved. In weeks the PAIN RESOLVED. I have returned to doing things I have been unable to do for 8-9 yrs. Dr. Durr and Dr. Childs have made a HUGE impact on my life."
For about 2-1/2 to 3 years, I have had Meneires Disease deaf in my left ear, and trouble with my right ear. I was also diagnosed with hypo-thyroid followed by Hasimoto's. I was dizzy, suffered deafness, balance issues and vertigo. EVERY ASPECT OF MY LIFE WAS AFFECTED. Since coming here with Dr. Durr, I can hear in both my left and right ear, my vertigo is finally under control and I am NO LONGER dizzy. Amazing.
"When I came to see Dr. Durr, I was taking 15 prescription pills/day for my arthritis and peripheral neuropathy. My MD's said I would never get off these meds. Dr. Durr said my AI system was attacking itself and causing the RA and PN and pain. Since being with Dr Durr, I have stopped taking 11 pills, my pain is almost gone and my AI system is working!"